I cannot express in words alone how privileged I felt to be capturing these moments today. Erin and Nick took us all on a roller coaster of emotions vacillating between anxiousness, joy, love, excitement, and at moments a bittersweet celebration amongst family and friends. I knew that when this day came that there may be glimpses of sadness because I thought that Erin's brother Sean would be missing from todays celebration. I was partially wrong, Sean's presence was most definitely there. Sometimes when I shoot the details there are significant ones that I may not know the origins or meanings. Sometimes I read the inscriptions to help me ascertain the relevance. Today when I read the card attached to hundreds of single white roses I felt the relevance... "...today is the day I will marry the wonderful man you have brought into my life. In my heart you are always with me..." I had to stop shooting for a moment. This is life happening, not just a job or an assignment. When I shoot a Wedding I absorb myself in the swells of emotions and lives of my clients for that day. By doing this I feel that I can capture the images that they will want to remember. I feel happy when they are happy, excited for them when they are excited and also sad when that emotion presents itself. Empathy... it is what allows me to shoot weekend after weekend after weekend and never be tired of the experience that is your wedding day. Erin and Nick you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside and I thank you both for your warmth, kindness, trust and vulnerability. Whether it was fate or circumstance I am so grateful to have been able to play a part in your day!

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I love this image. The vastness of the church surrounds Nick as he waits for Erin.
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Erin escorted by her Mom and Dad walk the long aisle towards the Altar. There were tears and moments of anxiousness...

but as they approached within a few feet of Nick the expressions say it all... Joy and happiness =)
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I think the whole church was smiling.

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I love the entrance. They were high five-ing and chest bumping and really got the crowd cheering.
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Ahhh, parent dances!

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We couldn't resist a little fun with sparklers! You wouldn't know it to look at this image but it's actually hard to write with light and get the letters so precise! Very impressive! I'm looking forward to shooting the trash the dress/post bridal session in the very near future.