Monday, April 9, 2007

The New Blog has arrived!!!

So as I attempted to get some work done today before I had to leave to shoot Jean Marie and Brian's engagement session I checked my email then reviewed some poses that I wanted to incorporate into our session. I often scour the internet for beautiful images and with my new found enthusiasm after recently returning from WPPI I totally wanted to be fresh after a cold and lackluster winter. I came across some truly amazing blogs and photoblogs. Well this completely shot my schedule and to do list for today =) What I found was so much more rewarding than I could ever truly know...That is, I found that I am completely in love with what I do. I have a passion for creating and capturing beautiful moments. I get excited before a photo session or wedding as if it was one of my firsts. I love to look at the work of photographers from everywhere, more importantly I am in awe of the beauty that they capture and strive every day to better my art and that is what keeps me going... So welcome to my blog! Please feel free to comment and if I'm so lucky as to have blog stalkers then check back frequently, bookmark me! You can also visit my web spaces at

Yes, I'm aware that I need to condense these sites into maybe one super site. Let me know if you have any suggestions on what to do.

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