Arabic: | حُب |
Chinese (Simplified): | 喜爱 |
Chinese (Traditional): | 喜愛 |
Czech: | láska |
Danish: | kærlighed |
Dutch: | liefde |
Estonian: | armastus |
Finnish: | rakkaus |
French: | amour |
German: | die Liebe |
Greek: | αγάπη |
Hungarian: | szeretet |
Icelandic: | ást |
Indonesian: | sayang |
Italian: | amore |
Japanese: | 愛 |
Korean: | 애정, 호의 |
Latvian: | mīlestība |
Lithuanian: | meilė, potraukis |
Norwegian: | kjærlighet |
Polish: | zamiłowanie, miłość |
Portuguese (Brazil): | amor |
Portuguese (Portugal): | amor |
Romanian: | dragoste |
Russian: | любовь |
Slovak: | láska |
Slovenian: | ljubezen |
Spanish: | amor |
Swedish: | kärlek, förtjusning, passion |
Turkish: | aşk, sevgi, sevda |
Or in English the word is
Whether you use this word as a noun or a verb it can and does mean many different things to different people. Having worked in the wedding industry for several years I have had the pleasure of experiencing so many emotion filled moments with many, many clients. Every time I shoot an Engagement session or a Wedding or Maternity or Newborn portraits I get to witness multiple levels of this seemingly intangible yet omnipotent feeling, this feeling we all call Love. Sometimes I think that I don't allow myself to express my feelings in everyday life properly. I only say this because I find myself so consumed when I'm shooting and often find myself tearing up or near tears. This usually happens when I hear an incredibly heartfelt toast or when I see the way a father holds his new baby as his eyes become misty while gazing at the miracle that he is holding it completely touches my heart strings. I feel that same suffocating pressure of emotion when I see the strong and gripping hugs from a father to his daughter as his dance with her ends and the realization that there will be another man in her life that becomes her center. The list could go on and on and on....but rather than put everyone into a coma while trying to decifer my ramblings I will get to my point and yes I do have one =)
I just want to express how incredibly fortunate I have been in my life to have been a part of so many special and poignant moments in your lives. I have the best clients in the world! I want to thank all of you for allowing me to be a part of these moments and also for referring people like you who value photography as much as I do. SO Happy Valentines Day to all you Lovahs out there!!!!!
xoxoxo ~ Cindy
I'm not the first photographer to do this and I won't be the last but I want to do my part to give a little back so I'm announcing today that I am giving away a Wedding Photography Package. This is the sneak peak as it will be announced soon on a major Philadelphia Radio Station as well as at a Major Bridal Show. Get your entries in now before the on air annoucement!
Email me with the heartfelt story and a picture of a couple in love who can not afford to have quality wedding photography for their wedding. My panel of judges will pick a winner and that couple will get:
Me to shoot their wedding =) +
E-session +
40 page custom designed coffee table book +
Trash the Dress/Post Bridal session +
Feature on my Blog +
High Res DVD of All Wedding and E-Session Images +
A few other surprise goodies
The Rules:
- 2008 and early 2009 Dates only
- I must be currently available to shoot that day
- the wedding must take place in the DE, NJ or PA Area
- Legitimacy of the story will be validated
- The couple must have been a victim of a studio closing or just deserving of a break- not having an extravagant wedding or just want to "win" something
- the story must touch the heartstrings of my judging panel
- must be willing to be featured on my blog
- Entries must be received by April 15, 2008
- send all entries to:
SO EMAIL THE STORY AND PIC OF SOMEONE YOU WANT TO NOMINATE NOW!!! YOU CAN NOMINATE YOURSELF IF YOU FIT THE CRITERIA.If you know of anyone that this contest will appeal to then forward them this blog entry =) The contest goes on the air at the end of February.