As I walk through the day to day aspects of life I forget the value of stopping on occasion to take in the scenery and reflect on where I'm at. Relatively of course, where I'm at in life, the people in my life and sometimes just where I'm at... Today my baby graduates High School. It really didn't hit me until last night. I was writing out one of her cards and a myriad of emotions and memories hit me like the weight of dry heat on a scorching summer day. I got really emotional as my eyes welled up with tears. The comprehension that my beautiful baby girl has grown into such a lovely young woman and is graduating, soon to be 18 and driving. The time has gone by without so much as a blink or a warning. I really believe that we should have life warnings. You know maybe Steve Jobbs can program them into our ipods or iphones. Just little warnings like - Hey now would be a good time to hug your kid or yo, make sure you eat dinner together tonight or stop holding her hand she's 17 and can cross the street on her own... Seriously though, a little warning would sure help us out from time to time and serve as reminders that whether you want it to or not, life happens. So here's to you Kristin! To the child that you were and to the woman that you are becoming! I love you and am so very proud of you and no matter what path you choose to travel you will always find my support whether it be in mind, body or spirit. Enjoy these days sweetie pie they only come around once.

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