It's a chilly November day, it feels just like you would expect November to feel. The air I breathe in is crisp and I swear I can see it as I exhale. I'm heading off to the Radisson-Warwick in Center city to shoot the details and getting ready shots. I love Philly locations but hate the parking situations so I was already dreading the $30 hotel parking charge for my 2 hour stay. I'm heading down Walnut street right around the corner from the hotel, ready to make my left on 17th and you gotta be kidding me, a spot, empty, right here!!! Woohoo!!! For those of you who have done the parking search in any city, well you know this is like winning the lottery. This single event pretty much set my day in motion and things from this point on just clicked.
Melanie looked so amazing. From the elegance of her dress to her upswept hair, she just glowed. From the moment she walked into the suite she carried herself in a way that was nothing less than positive even though I knew that there were a few glitches that morning. I don't know of many wedding days that go completely smoothly. I do know though that things aren't the way they are, they are the way that you make them! I loved this quality of composure in Melanie. She's also uber organized, optimistic and lead the way by setting the tone with her attitude. Everyone fell in line from family to groomsmen. Like I said, it was cold but you would never know it by the way she smiled at John outside on the Parkway. Not a single complaint could be heard from any member of the bridal party for the entire time that we were outside shooting. Everyone bonded together to do whatever it took to get the kinds of images that Melanie and John would want to capture their day. What an exceptional group of people to work with. Sometimes you just need to suck it up for the greater good and today there were so many great examples of friendship. Kudos to everyone! All in all it was a great day filled with lots of laughs and love, the kind of day that I'd like to bottle and release every weekend...