Monday, November 5, 2007

Just a quick Rant!

For those that know me either on a professional or personal level you can probably attest to the fact that I am a glass half full kind of girl... The eternal optimist always looking for how to make a bad situation better... The type of person long on patience but knows when to assert herself. I pick my battles and above all else conduct myself with respect whether it be directed towards my clients, friends, family or other vendors. With all that being said let me just climb up onto my roof and scream as loud as my voice can carry and for as long as my expanded lungs can expend air!

I really have very little tolerance for lack of respect or lack of professional courtesy. Especially in this industry. So please everyone in blog land and wedding central and the ghosts of videographers and catering managers past, have some respect for us photographers.

We are all trying to achieve one common goal. I would HOPE that the goal is to provide unparallelled services for the lovely people who have hired us and entrusted us with their wedding memories. In order to make this happen we must all work together in a symbiotic relationship of sorts, not against each other! It's not a popularity contest. There is no crown or presentation bouquet of roses coming to you at the end of the night so why must I have to deal with vendors and or managers who cannot get on point.

Now I am fortunate that the season is almost over and I have had very few situations that required attention but most recently I have been annoyed so much so that I feel the need to blog about it! So here are a few issues of late...

Videographer's - there should never be a power struggle. We can in fact co-exist. How about we shoot side by side or if we are on opposing sides keep in mind where we are in relation to each other and that you are editing your coverage down and I can not edit you or your assistant out of every critical shot.

~ it's not respectful to step in front of me every time a member of the wedding party comes down the aisle
~ it's not respectful to step in front of me when the bride and groom come down the aisle
~please stay out of the "first glance: shot. This is a moment between the bride and groom and I don't think they want you smack in the middle of their moment
~ I don't think the bride wants you in the reflection of her mirror either when she is getting ready or having her portraits done
~It's not respectful to step in front of me for every announcement of the bridal party and family
~ Repeat above for toasts and other key moments.

we are trying to capture the same moments so when you do these things you are making it very difficult to be respectful to you and I will pull some ancient Chinese secrets out on you. Trust me, hundreds of years of dominant genetics has instilled in me very strong powers. All kidding aside, I will persevere and get the shot regardless of your selfish antics so you are just irritating me and will get zero referrals.

Catering/Event Manager's - I know that your job is a very difficult one and the photographer is the least of your worries. I really am low maintenance so I only have a few requests.

~ It would be nice to be clued in to the schedule of the evening
~ It would be even nicer to have our meals ready WHEN THE BRIDE AND GROOM EAT
this way we can be available to capture any moments occurring once they are done eating
and start making their way to greet tables and or mingle.
~ by the time we get to the reception we have already been running around for 6-8 hours without breaks so a hot meal would be very much appreciated our typical day is from 10 -12 hours with the Bride and Groom. A passed out irritable photographer is not in the best interest of any party.

Alright, so that's my rant, now can't we all just get along?

*note to self, pack some PB & J's, power bars and stilts in the new emergency kit.

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