Monday, October 13, 2008


My father was born in Austria, his parents in the Ukraine so in celebration of my Eastern European Heritage I am celebrating Octoberfest with some friends in Delaware =) Ok so, like I really am 1/2 Ukranian but this was more so a much needed escape from a very hectic schedule.

There's something about a fair or festival that I really love. I don't know if it's the smell of cotton candy and funnel cake that waxes nostalgic or playing silly games at the cost of 10 times what the value of the prize you can potentially win. Either way a great evening ensued with a few ginormous mugs of yummy German Brew, good times, good times...
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Yeah, we spent all our tickets and the some

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I'm guessing it was customary to build giant towers with your consumed beer cups, I bought a mug and called it a day.

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So here's me and my mug and the image on the left is probably what my vision looked like after 2 mugs emptied... Just kidding, although it's not far off.

So happy Octoberfest Everyone!!!

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