Twenty perfect fingers, Twenty perfect toes!
Babies are always a fun and unpredictable photo session. Parents often have in mind what they want and sometimes I try to be diplomatic so that the expectations are able to be fulfilled and keep things in perspective based on the age of the children. Well today I ate my words! Marisa loved the images in my portfolio where the babies looked and smiled and really showed their personalities. I love capturing those types of images. However most of the images she saw were of babies 3-9 months old and these two little cuties are only a little over a month and premies at that. So I warned that we may not get too much emotion, probably mostly sleeping yadda, yadda, yadda. Well both Sadie and Fletcher must not have liked that and decided to show me just how much personality they have! They were an absolute joy! Fletcher had a keen sense of where his sister was at all times, often touching her face and nose. They were awake for virtually the entire session and they both amazed me with their strength . You never know what you are gonna get with babies but I am more than pleased with these images and thank you both for allowing me into these very precious moments of your lives!

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