The puppies are nestled into their special little nooks that they sqeeze themselves into while I edit, they can't see me smiling to myself. If I have any crazies peeking into my windows they will definitely run the other way because I'm sure they are asking why is this insane woman up and furthermore why is she smiling that kooky looking smile/grin to herself???
Autumn and Michael - Every detail about their wedding makes me smile. I love the chartreuse and mango colored flowers for starters. My faves!!! The ring - well beautiful, classic and vintage all rolled up in one brilliant sparkling blingy bling. The dress - so very beautiful and striking in it's simplicity yet detailed as well. The bride - she was simply stunning. Every choice was perfect from the elegant twist in Autumns hair to the way that her dress just suited her. The only way I can describe it is that she put me in mind of a classic hollywood star, very hepburnesque. As an added bonus Autumn said that we could shoot anywhere I chose. Woohooooooooooo =) I scouted the route from the church to the reception and found the coolest textured walls and much much more. Now let's not forget Michael. He's a man of many talents and I have to say I admired his handiwork in their home. Although he is not a carpenter by trade his hands have touched almost every square inch of their home and he has done an amazing job. Thank you Michael for going along with our crazy locations even though I'm sure you may have thought I was nuts - you are a truly a gentleman! Also, on a side note. I know that every woman within eyesight of you dancing with your mother not only cried but smiled, myself included. These moments of vulnerability and happiness conjure the memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you both so much for giving me a look into your beautiful relationship and also the opportunity to smile tonight!

1 comment:
You are amazing. These pics are awesome and by what I've seen thus far- you've really captured the emotions of the day. I can't wait to see all of the pics.
Michele Polidor (Autumn's sister)
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