I've known Tara for about 5 years now. She has always been a free spirit, self assured and an amazing soul. When I met Rory I knew almost immediately that he was the one for her. I can't quite put my finger on what it was, it could have been their love of all things good in life - by this I mean great wine, Double IPA'a, excellent Thai food and so much more or it could have been the way that they just gelled together. He was her ying to his yang and it was evident for anyone to see. I was thrilled when they asked me to shoot their wedding! What better gift to give them then to capture the way I see their love for each other! An intimate ceremony and reception at The Manatawny Creek Winery. Lovely touches everywhere including a very special Wedding wine made just for them called "Honey wi dew." I often get teary eyed when I witness special moments. I think that it's the romantic in me. These moments are one of the reasons I love my job. Today was no exception but it will stick in my mind forever. Just a few simple words spoken so softly almost inaudible. These words were not meant for anyone to hear, they just were. As Tara and her dad drew near, traversing the distance between the bridge and the altar area, a whisper a smile and a tear...."Wow.....she's mine.....mine.mine....."
I was at the wedding and the pictures I've seen are absolutely phenomenal - they completely capture the day and the essence of "Rora". Fabulous!!!!
Thanks Jennifer! It was a great day and they are fabulous together!
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