This is Lilli K. She is not a dog! Don't ever tell her she is because I think she may suffer some kind of mental trauma. She'll be 9 months old on the 12th and despite her mere 2.5 lbs she carries herself like a 150 lb Rottweiller. Mind you I have Never been a pet person. I blame it on my childhood- long story. Basically girl meets dog, dog runs away, girl misses dog, girl never wants another pet... Then along came Lilli. She fills this void short of having another baby! Yeah I said it... I take it back though. I really don't want a baby at this stage in my life. My daughter is 16 almost 17 and as life would have it is developing a life of her own and doesn't appear to need her mommy as much as she once did. Lilli helps me connect with what's good and pure in life. Blind love so unconditional. She is the cutest puppy and has the most comical mannerisms! You'll see her pop up now and then in my blogs. I never thought I could be a dog lover. But I am and believe me, sometimes I think those walks in the city do me more good than her!
Sunday 5-6-07, Lilli's first time ever running with freedom off of her leash. In the backyard she tasted reckless abandonment =)~ She even encountered the neighbors dog, lucky for us there is a fence! I think she is part bunny the way that she jumps! Good times.
i love your lil pooch, especially when she greets me with all the love and enthusiasm you described here. i admit i wasn't drawn to her right away, but those sweet paws on my leg and that bright face... now i can't resist her tiny kisses!
Wow, something as simple as a little dog looking up at you and running through the grass is so clean, crisp and pure looking. What a great series of pictures. I've heard animals can be difficult to deal with because of their unpredictability, but you nailed it. You've captured this little dog's personality.
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